Wild Weeds

      History buffs will realize that Bucephalus is the name of a horse which belonged to Alexander the Great. The horse is said to have been a massive creature with a black coat, a white star on his brow, and a single blue eye. The horse died following the Battle of the Hydaspes in 326 BC. Alexander was said to have been extremely attached to the horse and actually grieved over the loss of his fine steed. Of course, the name Bucephalus is used as sort of a joke in this song, but the historical reference should not go unnoticed. The horses which appear in the video are undoubtedly fine steeds and the song is not meant to demean them in any way!


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He showed up at my window one gray morning
And woke me up without any warning
I called him Bucephalus and a few bad words
And so he filled my yard up with a pile of turds

Your name sounds like a disease
The mere sight of you makes me sneeze

And so he hung around and ate the roses
And his turds they offend all my neighbors' noses
We call him Bucephalus and a few bad words
And the only thing he gives back to us is a pile of turds

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