Wild Weeds
Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes

      Misinformation about misinformation is misinformation that has been spread by big media companies and so-called fact-checkers. Divergent points of view, information that doesn't fit the big media narrative, and alternative opinions have never been a problem. In fact, it is good for your frame of reference to be challenged every now and then. It helps people to develop good reality testing skills. The only way to become good at detecting bullshit, is to be confronted with bullshit from time to time. We don't need big media fact-checking anything. We don't need organizations with obvious agendas telling us what is true and what is false. Believe it or not, we can figure that out for ourselves. Possibly the most important realization that humans can reach is that the fact-checkers and big media are the ones who spread misinformation more often than not.


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Don't believe your lying eyes
They'll tell you what you saw
And if you still disagree
They'll attack you with the law

Covid, abortion, alien abductions
It's hard to say what is true
You're not allowed to have your own opinion
Or unique point of view

Endless propaganda
Fabricated facts
Cherry pick, misrepresent
Ad hominem attacks

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