Wild Weeds

      This plant produces some beautiful flowers and rather interesting seed pods. It's a fairly common plant throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It can be used to make jelly or tea and it is often used to reseed forest areas after a fire. In fact, it got its name since it is one of the first plants to repopulate an area following a fire. Although this plant is also known by the common name rosebay willowherb, it has been reclassified a couple times and now has Chamaenerion angustifolium as its scientific name. Fireweed belongs to the Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family).

MORE INFO: Fireweed at wildweeds.us


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Fireweed has a tiny seed
And explosive pods
Over three hundred seeds per capsule
To improve the odds

That a seed will land in soil or sand
And survive to become a plant
Silky hairs float in the air
Don't say that they can't!

Also known as rosebay willowherb
And good for jelly or tea
The magenta flowers are beautiful
That much I guarantee

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