Wild Weeds
Trump versus Biden: Presidential Golf Contest

      It's hard to believe, but the two leading candidates running for president as of early July 2024 actually argued over who was the better golfer. Neither is likely to be terribly good and both must have more important things to worry about, but for some reason they both insisted that they were the best of the two. So, given all this competitive spirit over golf, maybe the two of them should meet on the golf course and actually compete so that all the world can see which one of them is actually the better golfer. There can be little doubt that such a contest would draw a huge amount of public attention and if properly televised and promoted could probably generate a huge amount of revenue. In fact, it could be a winner-take-all event where the winner gets to put the prize money in his campaign fund. This could be the most bizarre event since Bobby Riggs challenged Billy Jean King to a tennis match!


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Trump versus Biden on the golf course
Surrounded by a huge security force
Who will emerge with the lowest score?
To be remembered forevermore

It's a challenge to determine
Which one is the very best
It's the ultimate, most spectacular
Presidential golf contest!

The stakes are high, the potential is great
The revenue gain is hard to estimate
A media circus, an historic event
With no thought about where our dignity went

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