Wild Weeds
You Need To Get Outside Even When It's Cold

      Being stuck inside can be torture. Not getting exercise can be depilitating. Therefore, it is ideal to be able to exercise outside every single day. Having said that, there are a number of factors which may interfere with fulfilling this basic human need and weather might be the thing which tops the list. It can be excessively hot, cold, wet, or windy, making going outside difficult. Of course, it is possible to exercise inside, but not everyone has access to a large and spacious gymnasium. Some people don't mind using treadmills, but those are suboptimal compared to actually walking, jogging, or running outside. So, although there are substitutes for actually exercising outside, there is nothing quite as good as the real thing.


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You could stay home where it's warm
Safe and sheltered from the storm
But you need some exercise
So it's better to go outside

There might be snow upon the ground
And there might be more falling down
You might be warm and comfy in your home
But you need to get outside where you can roam

You could sit back in a fluffy chair
But what you need is some nice fresh air
A polite suggestion if I may be so bold
You need to get out even when it's cold!

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