Wild Weeds
Word Salad Queen

      Failing to the top has become increasingly common in recent years and it seems odd that failure should be rewarded with a promotion, but as Tom Jones might say, "It's not unusual." Obviously, this is problematic. A society which rewards failure in this way is doomed to deteriorate over time. It would be one thing if a person failed and then received some sort of compensatory training and then after a couple years received a promotion, but what we often see nowadays is failure immediately followed by a promotion. Kamala Harris is the perfect example of this sort of thing. She might be the most unqualified, unintelligent, and absurdly inept person on the planet, but despite this she has been given positions of great responsibility, failing miserably every step of the way and notwithstanding these abysmal failures she has consistently failed upwards in a remarkably conspicuous manner.


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Like a really bad joke
Stupid and woke
Word salad queen
Brain like a bean

Nothing she says makes any sense
How could a person be so dense?
What kind of country would elect such a ditz?
Not everything is tasty when it sits on a Ritz

Funny camal face
A national disgrace
The nonsense will not stop
Fail to the top

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